TruPrognostics for Electric Motors.

Get truly predictive asset health insights with higher than 90% accuracy, tailored for the fault modes that matter for electric motors.

The Right Sensors for the Right Jobs.

Targeting the fault modes that matter, Novity TruPrognostics is powered by current, temperature and vibration to ensure the optimal performance. Detect and predict mechanical and electrical faults with Novity TruPrognostics.

Easy Installation.

Through Novity’s PdM Assessment we’ll uncover what sensors are needed where, with an eye to only install new sensors where it matters. Minimize the hardware so you can focus on producing.

Minimize Downtime with TruPrognostics.

Get 85% accurate predictions with Novity’s industry-leading solution for reciprocating compressors.


Novity’s customers consistently see 85% accurate predictions for common fault modes.


Novity’s physics-based approach enables diagnostics and RUL predictions weeks before failures occur.


Through downtime reduction alone, you’ll see an ROI of less than one year.

Related resources

  • White Paper

    Are Your Predictive Analytics Truly Predictive?

  • Brochure

    AC Induction Motor Monitoring with TruPrognostics